God today becomes one of us so that mankind might rediscover his original identity, Godlikeness.
Merry Christmas...
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Entrance to the Postulancy: “Here I Am, Lord” – For a Discipleship in the Footsteps of Don Orione.
Last November 17, 2018 took place in
the Chapel of the Saint Luigi Orione Seminary in Montalban (Philippines), the
Rite of Entrance to the Postulancy of eleven of our aspirants. Seminarians BONARES Evelio,
CINCHES Marsson, DAPO Rolando, ESPINAR Kristian Jude, ESPIÑA Jay, OROS Jackson,
OBIS Mark Jayson, SAMILLANO Jenny Boy, SIERVO Eumar Sandy, TARNATE John Paul, VALERTA Mark Raph, after three years of Apirancy have asked to be
accepted as Postulants, that is willing to become members of the Religious
family of the Little Work of Divine Providence.
They have been welcomed by Rev. Fr.
Marcelo Daniel BOSCHI, Delegate Superior of the Missionary Delegation “Mother
of the Church” who happened at that time to be in fraternal visit in the
Fr. Marcelo, in his homily has
commended our new Postulants for they decision to join the Sons of Divine
Providence and let themselves be help to discern better and more clearly the plan
of God on their lives. He also challenges them to see in this new step, not an
end, but the beginning of a whole life thirst. It will be, as he told them, the
time to clarify their aspirations and inner thirsts. He therefore invited them
to be more open to the formation and generous in their answer to God’s call.
Monday, June 4, 2018
“Scientia maxime cum virtute”
Here is something good to share and meditate on.
Based on the first reading of this Monday, 9th Week of the Ordinary time, Year B, Fr. Stan shares with us his meditation.

Homily: Lesson of moral towards holiness. (2 Pt 1:2-7)
A Chinese proverb says, “Virtue
never dwells alone, it always has neighbors.” And another proverb adds, “Gratitude
is the least of virtues, but ingratitude the worst of vices.”
school of Philosophy where our seminarians go,
the St. Anthony Mary Claret College (SAMCC) has this beautiful motto, “Scientia
maxime cum virtute” (Knowledge is best with virtue) from the words of St.
Anthony Claret. This emphasizes that the attainment of knowledge and the discovery
of the truth are best when achieved and lived with the minimum if not the
necessary virtue to develop a responsible and loving individual. There is no achievement
without moral foundation.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Graduation is not an end, but a beginning.
We were called, on this first day
of June, 2018, to witness the Baccalaureate Mass and to the 31st Commencement
Exercises of the Saint Anthony Mary Claret College, SAMCC.
Forty-nine (49) young men were turning
the page of four years philosophy studies for some and more than four years for
others. Our Religious Family was honored with 11 Graduates Postulants, three
Religious Brothers and four Ex-pupils. It was a colorful and joy filled ceremony.
Not only that we had the biggest
number of graduates students, but also we were honored with six (6) graduates “Cum
Laude”, and one (1) “Magna Cum Laude”. This achievement has been possible
through the joined efforts of the students and their formators.
As we congratulates our young men
for this great achievement, we at the same time throw the philosophical
provocation that graduation is not an end, but a beginning. It is for sure an achievement,
but it is also a new door which must open them to new challenge and new
commencement. Once again, Congratulations to the Batch 2018!
Friday, May 18, 2018
Don Orione enthroned in glory on the facade of the St. Luigi Orione Chapel.
Our Religious family rejoice today, May 16, 2018 for the 14th
Anniversary of the Canonization of our Founder, St. Luigi Orione. It is feast
day for the whole Congregation of the Little Work of Divine Providence which
includes the Sons of Divine Providence and the Little Missionary Sisters of
Here in Montalban, in the Philippines, the feast was marked
with a very special note, the Installation of the six feet image of St. Luigi
Orione on the front terrace of the Chapel dedicated to him at the St. Luigi
Orione Seminary. From there he now watches over the community and welcomes
anyone who enters the compound.
The feast started in the morning with the procession with
the boys of the Cottolengo, the Children of the Oratorio and many other
children from the neighborhood.
In the afternoon, exactly at 5 pm we were invited to the
Eucharistic Celebration Concelebrated by the Superior of the Community, Fr.
Stan ACHI, FDP, in charge of the Seminary, Fr. Fausto FRANCESCHI, FDP, Novice
Master, Fr. Joseph VAN CU, FDP, Assistant Master, Fr. Julio CUESTA, Director of
the Cottolengo and Fr. Noeh E. ELNAR, Parish priest of the Saint Raphael
Archangel Parish.
Many parishioners, youth of the KDOM (Kabataan ni Don Orione
Movement), Friendship of Don Orione and children of the apostolate area of the
Seminarians and Novices joined the Solemnity. Were also present the Novices of our
Sisters, the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity accompanied by their
Mistress, Sister Maria GRACIELLA, LMSC and the Sisters of Saint Anne, the Virgen
Del Pilar Community.
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Homily Misa De Gracia, Rev. Fr. Ramon Padilla Rosin, FDP, Taysan, May 1, 2018
We found this as nice to share and so we do.
It is the homily given by one of his friend for the thanks giving mass of Rev. Father Ramon Padilla Rosin, FDP, last May 1, 2018 at San Roque Parish, in Taysan, Legazpi City.
said: “The Harvest is rich but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest
to send more laborers.” Essential to the extension of the Kingdom and the
salvation of souls is the Sacrament of the Holy Orders, that we call the
“O how great is the priest! If he realized what is he
would die… God obeys him: he utters a few words and the Lord descends from the
Heaven at his voice, to be contained within a small host. Without the Sacrament
of the Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord. Who put him there in the
tabernacle? The priest. Who welcomed your soul at the beginning of life? The
priest. Who feeds your soul and gives its strength for the journey? The priest.
Who will prepare it to appear before God, bathing it one last time in the blood
of Jesus Christ? The priest----always
the priest. And if the soul should happen to die (as a result of sin) who will
raised it up, who will restore its calm and peace? Again, the priest. After
God, the priest is everything. Only in heaven will he fully realize what he
there is no priest then there is no Holy Mass; if there is no Holy Mass, then
there is no consecration of the Sacred Host; if there is not consecration of
the Sacred Host then there is no Holy Communion; there if there is no Holy
Communion there is no Sacramental Presence of Jesus. That means that we become
spiritual orphans. We become like ship without a port, an arrow without a
target, a scout without a compass, a dog without his master. We wonder through
life aimless and without no clear purpose.
all know that we your servants are not worthy of this priestly office of
Christ. Many times we become so unfaithful to God. Many times, we go on our own
way rather than the way of eternity. You heard many times the scandal done by
us your priest. Sometimes the parishioners got scandalized and worst their
faith is shattered. Because of this many left their faith and follow other
voices in the world. Sometimes your trust becomes unstable. But despite of all these, the Lord remains to
be faithful Shepherd continuously leading us to greener and carrying us in his
shoulder when we are hurt.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Ordained to be shepherd with the smell of sheep.
On May 1, 2018, at
8:30 am, the Sons of Divine Providence in the Philippines, the faithful of God,
friends and relatives, were called and gathered to witness the Priestly
Ordination of Rev. Ramon PADILLA ROSIN, FDP. Through the imposition of hands
and the consecration prayer of Most. Rev. Joel ZAMUDIO BAYLON, DD, Bishop of
Legazpi, Rev. Ramon became priest of Jesus Christ “forever of the order of
Melchizedek.” (Psalm 110:4).
for statistic purpose,
Fr. Ramon ROSIN is now the second Filipino Priest of the Sons of Divine
Providence Congregation, after Rev. Fr. John S. CASTILLO, FDP, who on this very
day recalls five years of his priestly ordination.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Shepherd for others and not for oneself. (Jn 10:11-18)
Today, 4th Sunday of Easter, the church celebrates the Good Shepherd Sunday and invites to pray for the vocation. We will like to share with you the Homily of our Formator, Fr. Stan Achi, which is as well a challenge to each one of us to be not only shepherd, but good one. It is entitled, "Shepherd for others and not for oneself."
Homily: Shepherd for others and not for oneself. (Jn 10:11-18)
A German proverb says, “Straying shepherd, straying sheep.” And another proverb adds, “The good shepherd shears, not flays.”“Beloved: See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the children of God. Yet so we are.” Not only that we are children of God, but we also have a shepherd, and a good one. How fortunate we really are!We are celebrating today, 4th Sunday of Easter, known as Good Shepherd Sunday. In this day, we are called to pray in a very special way for vocations.The liturgy of today finds its main theme in the Gospel. Jesus talking about himself insistently says, “I am the good shepherd.” He then carries on listing the qualities of the good shepherd: auto-conscience, concern for his sheep, self-sacrifice for them, knowledge of the sheep. All these qualities and characteristics of the good shepherd are expression of his love. Thus, John can exclaim, “See what love the Father has bestowed on us…” The Lord so loved us that he came to lead us as a shepherd leads his sheep.In our today’s societies, many are those who pass to be shepherds, but very few are the good one. Many are the hired workers, few those who care for the sheep.
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